Scilab Export is one of the prominent Animal Model manufacturers and suppliers in India. We provide high-class animal models to educational institutions, clinical research organizations and pharma industries.
Animal models are crucial in studying various diseases, the effects of new treatment options, and plausibly a lot more. They provide a convening picture of the anatomy and physiology of animals as well as the disease models such that research on health and diseases of animals can be conducted effectively and efficiently. There are several animals available for modeling purposes such as mice, rats, rabbits, pigs, and primates.
There is another classification of animal models that we specialize in including the mouse models, rat models, rabbit models, pig models, primate models, disease models, genetically modified models and many other models. The animals have been bred and kept under controlled laboratory standards.
For all your Animal models requirements, choose Scilab Export as your trusted partner. We ensure that the products to be provided to you are high quality, the customer service is top class and the prices are affordable.
As a leading Animal models manufacturer and supplier Quality enhancement is not just a catchphrase as we have undergone some restructuring to support selling excellent products to a broad marketplace. Our focus towards customers and their commitment has made them one of the preferred Animal models suppliers.
Detailed Animal cell model, enlarged 20,000 times. Featuring nucleus, endoplasmatic reticulum, mitochondria, ribosomes, Golgi apparatus, centrioles, lysosomes and fat vacuoles.
Technical Specification :
Weight : 2350 g approx.
Dimensions : 380 x 240 x 460 mm approx.
With key.
One piece, mounted on durable polymer base.
This model, enlarged millions of times, shows the structure of bacteriophage T4, a virus that attaches to the surface of the much larger bacterium Escherichia coli.
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Includes a numbered key.
Size, 53 x 35 x 31 cm.
Three-part model showing the detailed internal and external anatomy of the starfish.
On this model, 3 of the 5 arms are shown in longitudinal section, each in varying stages of dissection: 1 showing normal organ positioning; 1 with pyloric caeca and gonads removed to show ampullae, Polian vesicles, and the ring canal; and 1 completely dissected to reveal the nervous system (nerve ring and radial nerve).
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Use this set of 8 top-quality brain models to study comparative anatomy, the nervous system, and evolution.
Homologous structures across species are presented in the same color, allowing for easy comparison.
Each 1-part model depicts the detailed anatomy of a particular vertebrate.
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This set of 7 individual, museum-quality hearts is perfect for comparative anatomy studies.
Each 2-part model is life size or slightly enlarged to allow easy identification of detailed external and internal structures.
Blood flow direction is also marked on each model, making it easy to discuss advantages and disadvantages of each variation.
Compare and contrast the structure and function of the 2-, 3-, and 4-chambered heart while studying topics such as the circulatory system and evolution.
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Life size.
Numbered key included.
Mounted on a base.
Size (with base): 39.5 x 26 x 46.7 cm.
This 8-part model depicts hen anatomy in great detail.
Its right side shows external morphology while the left, longitudinally sectioned, reveals inner structures such as muscles, the heart, liver, intestines, stomach, lungs, reproductive system, and an egg.
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Dissectible into 4 parts.
Mounted on a durable base.
Size (without base), 58 x 14 x 59 cm.
Anatomy of a cnidoblast (armed and triggered) is shown separately.
Includes a printed key that references all 26 anatomical structures.
Longitudinal and cross-sectional views show significant anatomical features, including the ectoderm, mesoglea, coelenteron, egg cells, buds, and mouth opening.
Cross-sectional block (250x life size) shows nematocysts, sensory and epithelial cells, interstitial structures, and the nerve plexus.
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Size, 35 x 49 x 16 cm.
Life-size replica of a carp.
Separates into 4 parts—air bladder, intestines, and testicles—which are removable.
One side of the model displays internal features, and external features are visible on the other side.
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Greatly enlarged.
Includes numbered key.
Size (each), 53 × 38 cm.
Plaque-mounted set includes scolices of Taenia saginata and Taenia solium; mature egg; cysticercus; and longitudinal sections through the gravid, immature, and mature proglottid.
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About 2-1/2 × life size.
Size (without stand), 35 x 24 x 5 cm.
Sectioned ventrally with 4 removable parts.
Mounted on a stand that is removable for examination.
Magnets secure the pieces - no troublesome pins or hooks.
The thoracic and abdominal structures are shown with exceptional clarity and detail.
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Natural bone.
Size, around 13 x 51-1/2".
Affixed to a square wooden base (11-1/4 x 11-1/4") with a steel support rod.
With this articulated mount, students can study adult equine forelimb skeletal anatomy in detail.
The hoof capsule is mounted separately on the base and can be removed for close-up examination.
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Life size fish model.
Mounted on a base.
Size (without base), 45 x 21 x 7 cm.
Removable components are secured in position with magnets.
Includes numbered key with 24 identified structures.
A longitudinal dissection of a bony fish in 5 parts provides excellent views of internal and external anatomy.
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Life size.
Includes numbered key.
Size (without base), 12 x 21 x 4 cm.
Organs are detachable in 4 pieces.
Adult rat with interchangeable male and female reproductive systems is mounted in supine position.
Removable from base for examination.
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