HIV/Aids Testing Kit, Simulated Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India

Product Code : SLE/BL/045

This is an exciting, real life science lesson activity which uses real laboaratory techniques for demonstrating the HIV test for AIDS. 
The test uses simulated blood and reagents which are completely safe in the hands of students and teachers. 
Sufficent reagent and materials to suit a class of 30 students.
Teachers guide & students notes, chemicals and equipment are included with this kit.

Technical Specifications :
The Simulated Test is a hands on activity for students that serves the following important knowledge outcomes :
Good understanding of the body`s immune system and how the antigen/antibody reaction works.  
It shows what goes wrong with the immune system when HIV infection occurs.  
Blood transfusion is a life saving practice that is administered to millions of patients every month.  
The importance of safe blood is made clear with this kit.
It also demonstrates clearly a test that is used daily to screen blood and diagnose the presence of the disease.
The discussion in the activities in the kit bring the real life issues of HIV into focus for the learner. 
Prevention of spreading of the disease can be discussed as well.

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