Scilab Export is s leading Brain Models manufacturer and supplier in India. We provide over twenty assorted types of brain models that can be used for education, research, and medical use. All our brain models are made to scale and are very attractive which serves as a good way of learning the structure and functions of the human brain.
Our brain models come in different levels of sizes and details that range from simple and rough plain models to advanced more complex models that exhibit certain areas of the brain with specific pathways. They are manufactured using tough materials suitable for frequent handling.
Our brain models are in high demand in educational institutions, medical colleges, hospitals, and research laboratories. The purpose for such structures is to train learners on the brain structure and functionality and facilitate disorder visualization and advancement in research activities.
For all your brain models requirements, choose Scilab Export as your trusted partner. We ensure that the products to be provided to you are high quality, the customer service is top class and the prices are affordable.
As a leading brain models manufacturer and supplier Quality enhancement is not just a catchphrase as we have undergone some restructuring to support selling excellent products to a broad marketplace. Our focus towards customers and their commitment has made them one of the preferred brain models suppliers.
Mounted on a base, appropriately colored and numbered with key card. This model shows the head with brain divided into three parts and brain is divided into 2 parts to shows the important parts of skull and cranial nerves etc.
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This 4 part brain is medially divided into, the right half which is further divided into frontal with parental lobes. The brain stem with two part, temporal and occipital lobes. On a base, appropriately colored and numbered with key card. Life-size.
The base segment of the 12 pair of brain nerve are shown in yellow.
About 3 times of life size.
Size(cm) : 27x20x14
Contact Science Lab for your Educational School Science Lab Equipments. We are best educational equipment manufacturers india, educational equipments, educational equipments exporter, educational equipments exporters, educational equipments for science labs, educational lab equipment export.
Natural size : 18.5 × 14 × 13.5cm. Facilitates a correct understanding of the features of the brain and its arterial supply as a whole, also the relations between their component portions. The arterial supply of the brain: sources, vertebral, internal carotid arteries, arteria supply of the cerebellum and cerebrum. External features of the brain : cerebral hemisphere, brain stem, cerebellum. Made of PVC plastic. Dissectible into 8 parts. On base.
On removable base, appropriately colored and numbered with key card. This medially divided brain model shows the brain as well as frontal with parietal lobes, temporal with occipital lobes, half of brain stem, half of cerabellum.
Mounted on a base, appropriately colored and numbered with keycard. The model of human head and neck showing the all internal organs like median section of brain, nose, mouth and pharynx, larynx and vertebral column of the neck.
Contact Science Lab for your Educational School Science Lab Equipments. We are best educational equipment manufacturers india, educational equipments, educational equipments exporter, educational equipments exporters, educational equipments for science labs, educational lab equipment export.
About life size.
On blue base.
Size (with base): 14.5 x 20 x 17 cm
Dissectible into 8 parts.
Comes with numbered key that identifies 32 structures, including the main arteries, lobes of the brain, and many internal structures.
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Life size.
Size: 18 × 22 × 41 cm H.
On stand with base.
Median section shows anatomy of central nervous system, mouth, nasopharynx, and vertebral column.
Right side is dissected to reveal musculature, blood vessels, and nerves.
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Dissectible into: 2 parts
Size (without stand): 14 × 10 × 9 cm
Mounted on stand.
All significant features are numbered; key included.
Clearly shows internal and external anatomy including valves, cardiac chambers, and pulmonary and systemic vascular structures.
Contact Science Lab for your Educational School Science Lab Equipments. We are best educational equipment manufacturers india, educational equipments, educational equipments exporter, educational equipments exporters, educational equipments for science labs, educational lab equipment export.
Includes numbered key.
Size (without base), 16 × 13 × 12 cm.
Origins of cranial nerves are prominently identified.
Stands upright in contoured storage cradle.
Two-part brain is color coded to identify primary functional areas within the cerebral cortex.
Life size.
Includes a numbered key.
Size, 23 x 15 x 18 cm.
Brain ventricles and the complete brain stem are shown.
This 15-part dissectible model depicts the detailed internal anatomy of the human brain.
Includes identification key.
Size (without base), 27 × 14 × 16 cm.
About life size.
An exceptionally realistic dissection of the head showing salivary glands, pharyngeal musculature, and laryngeal structures.
The model divides to show midsagittal view of oronasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, and trachea.
It comes with a durable polymer base and can be removed from base for examination.
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Life size.
10 horizontal sections.
Mounted on a base.
Size: 34 x 46 x 30 cm.
Horizontal cross sections through the head and is oriented in the usual plane for CT and MR imaging.
Contact Science Lab for your Educational School Science Lab Equipments. We are best school science lab equipments suppliers in india, school science lab instruments, school science lab instruments exporter, school science lab instruments manufacturer, school scientific equipments, science educational equipment.
Life size.
For closer observation, sections can be rotated or removed.
This human head model is horizontally sliced into 12 sections, allowing easy visualization and study.
Numbered anatomical structures include muscles, nerves, and brain gyri and sulci.
About life size.
Mounted on a durable polymer base.
Size (without base), 45 × 37 × 22 cm.
An excellent representation of muscular and vascular structures in the head and neck with 76 numbered features. Includes identification key.
Contact Science Lab for your Educational School Science Lab Equipments. We are best school lab equipments supplier, school lab export, school lab exporter, school laboratory equipment manufacturers, school laboratory equipment suppliers, school science equipments.
Life size.
Dissectible into 15 parts.
Size, 23 × 15 × 18 cm.
Entire model rests in lifelike position in base of skull mounted on stand.
Left cerebral hemisphere is color coded and marked with the official numbers of Brodmann’s cytoarchitectural map of the human cerebral cortex.
Primary and secondary motor and sensory cortical fields; areas associated with speech, audition, and vision; and structures of the limbic system are highlighted with brilliant colors.
Contact Science Lab for your Educational School Science Lab Equipments. We are best educational equipment manufacturers india, educational equipments, educational equipments exporter, educational equipments exporters, educational equipments for science labs, educational lab equipment export.
Size and weight: 18 x 18 x 25 cm, 1.1 kg.
Study the musculature of the human skull with ease using this life-size plastic replica.
Facial and masticatory muscles are differentiated by color, and the masseter muscle is removable.
The occipitofrontalis and temporalis muscles can be reflected to allow the removal of the skull cap.
The left side of the skull has painted representations of the points of origin (red) and insertion (blue) of the muscles.
Moveable jaw and flexible muscles on the right side of the skull allow students to demonstrate the basic chewing motion.
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About life size.
Mounted on a base.
Size, 26 × 33 × 5 cm.
Relief model of human head in median section shows all relevant structures of the oronasal and buccal cavities, cervical spine, and brain.
Contact Science Lab for your Educational School Science Lab Equipments. We are best educational equipment manufacturers india, educational equipments, educational equipments exporter, educational equipments exporters, educational equipments for science labs, educational lab equipment export.
About life size.
Mounted on a durable plastic base.
Size (without base), 21 × 21 × 18 cm.
Right cerebral hemisphere and right cerebellar lobe are removable.
All significant structures are numbered and referenced on the accompanying key.
Removable right eye is complete with extrinsic muscles, lacrimal gland, lacrimal duct, and optic nerve.
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Enlarged 3x life size.
One piece, not on base.
Includes numbered key.
Size, 26 x 17 x 13 cm
Model displays all the neurological tracts, as well as exiting cranial and peripheral nerves in fine detail.
The principal anatomical structures are numbered.
Contact Science Lab for your Educational School Science Lab Equipments. We are best scientific laboratory equipments manufacturer, scientific laboratory equipments supplier, technical educational equipment exporter, technical educational equipment manufacturer, technical educational equipment supplier, technical educational equipments exporter.
Includes numbered key.
Mounted on a durable polymer base.
Size (without base), 25 x 10 x 23 cm.
Included is a cut section of vein with venous valves.
Enlarged block model shows anatomical details of artery and vein.
Serial sectioning exposes sequential muscular and membranous layers and illustrates the differences between arterial and venous wall thickness.
Contact Science Lab for your Educational School Science Lab Equipments. We are best engineering educational equipments, high school science lab equipment manufacturers, lab equipment exporters, lab equipments manufactruers, lab instruments manufactruers, mathematics lab equipments manufacturers.